Wives, Transform Conflict into Connection with Our Proven Roadmap

Break The Endless Argument Cycle, Be Heard &
Have Peace In Your Home, Even When You Disagree!

(in just 4 weeks-without expensive couples work)

Ever wonder why you keep having the same fights over and over again?

Fix your relationship communication problems in just 4 weeks.

The Conflict to Connection Roadmap is a 4-week faith-based communication solution without expensive couples counseling.

Normally $96
For a limited time, Only $47 

Your Path to a Stronger Connection

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship,
but it doesn’t have to be destructive and cause you to silently suffer.

Every relationship is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. This roadmap gives you the tools and strategies to uncover what’s really causing your conflicts so you can stop the suffering, and confidently communicate your needs, and create a deeper connection.

With The Roadmap, You Can:

End Miscommunication: Learn simple strategies to finally get through to your husband and feel understood.

Express Without Fear: Discover how to speak your mind so you can stop walking on eggshells.

Rebuild Emotional Intimacy: Transform the feeling of being roommates back into soul mates. 

Get Your Needs Met:Discover ways to make sure your needs and desires are heard and valued.

Rediscover Yourself: Reconnect with your own identity while balancing your roles as a wife and mother.

Break the Cycle of Tension: Learn techniques to reduce constant tension and bring more peace into your relationship.

The Wise Woman builds her home, while the foolish one tears it down with her own words and actions. Proverb 14:1

Relationships Move Through 3 Phases – Which One Is Yours?

Without help many couples never move passed the Conflict Phase

Taught by the faith-based Relationship Coach, Stacy Peasall

Hi, I’m Stacy,

Wives, you here because  you really care about your husband, your marriage and your family. And you’re looking for ways to stop the arguments, the yelling and feeling alone.

I also know that you are in the Conflict Phase of your marriage. I’ll share more on that in a minute. 

I created the Conflict 2 Connection for women because I found that wives are the caretaker of the family and once empowered are able to make radical changes in thier marriages without “his” participation.

Once change starts, then the husbands seem to perk up and want to know what she is doing because he too likes the changes. So I pray you will open your heart to the possibilty that you have found your solution. Please read all the way to the bottom to learn how to fix your relationship before things get worse.

Do you wish you had a
faith-based solution to your relationship issues? Then look no furture. I am the faith-based Relationship Coach for Women and all of my programs and teaching guide women to be the Wise Woman.

What My Client's Say

I practically created a new dance from walking on eggshells to avoid conflict. I was discouraged and had given up on talking because it just didn’t work, so I  stuffed my thoughts and feelings. 

I believed that there was just no hope that anything would change in my marriage. I didn’t want to leave so I felt I had no choice but to live with it the way it is, until I met Stacy and joined the membership. Now my marriage is changing and I have hope again. ”


"I’ve spent my entire marriage bending over backward to make it work. I’m the one who smooths the edges, most often at the cost of my own needs. Eager to please to keep the peace in the home. My efforts to keep our home in harmony does  seems to be expected instead of appreciated. Before joining C2C, I felt overwhelmed and like I didn’t matter in the marriage. Now he sees me and treats me so much better, I don't feel alone. ”


“ I was sick and tired of all the arguments but I’ll be the first to admit that how I dealt with it might not be the best.  When there was a conflict, I felt like he was trying to control  and dominate me, so I'd stand up for myself which just causes more fighting. I am so happy to have found this program. I am starting to see changes in me and in him too. ”



 ❓ Does he explode over every little things and it escalates into another fights?
 ❓Are you stuffing your feelings to keep the peace?
 ❓Do you feel isolated and alone?
 ❓Your partner shuts down and won’t talk.
 ❓You feel blamed and criticized – like everything is your fault…
 ❓Your spouse doesn’t really listen to you…

👍 You want to resolve conflict and creating a deeper connection
👍 Without Zoom calls, a membership, or facebook groups.


Feel Like You Tried Everything… But Nothing Has Worked?


Sadly, many couples think that they have to just accept it, settle for how it is or that somehow their relationship will just weather the storm and come out the other side better for it.

The fact is, that waiting and wishing is not a good solution for conflict. Problems do not get better on their own, they get worse.

You must take action to break free of the Conflict Phase, otherwise you will slide into Crisis (separation, infidelity, or divorce).

Change can happen as quickly as just 4 weeks.

Don’t Wait!
Don’t Settle!
Don’t Accept Conflict
As Your New Norm!


The Communication Solution Without Expensive Couples Counseling

Get the help you need from the comfort of your home.

Learn at your own pace. The faster you learn the faster you get results.

Learn how to stop arugments before they start. Get him to finally hear, understand and cherish you, again.

You’ll learn how to do all this even if he blames you and does not want to participate.
You’ll be shocked by how quickly he starts to change without even knowing what you are doing.



✅ The Conflict 2 Connection  is a proven 4-week home-study course based on the latest worldwide results from the top faith-based relationship coach.

✅  You will have instant access to on-demand content of both video, audio and workbooks, plus downloadable resources. 

✅ Learn at your own pace without pressure, the course is yours for life. You can go back in and review whenever you need.

✅ There are 4 modules, one for each week. In each week there are videos and workbooks for each day. Each video is bite size, 2-10 minutes each.

✅ You can watch them all at once or just do them daily, it is totally up to you and your schedule.

Normally $96
For a limited time, Only $47 

Look Inside & See What You Get

…Modular One / Week One – Awareness.  This week is all about looking inside, uncovering what you want and don’t want. Discovering what has been holding you back and what is in your suitcase and how to stay in your bubble.

…Modular Two / Week Two -Empowerment. This week is all about you!! You’ll learn to take back your power, no longer stuffing your feelings. You’ll unpack your suitcase and feel empowered by the end of week two, ready to tackle him.

…Modular Three / Week Three – Transformation. This is where the magic begins.In this module you will get inside his head and finally get the answers you’ve been seeking for years. What makes him tick. What make him explode and why doesn’t he talk to you. What is he thinking. Learning this will give you the skills you need to get him to hear you.

…Modular Four / Week Four – Connection. You know you and you know him, so let’s get this conversation rolling with the step-by-step conversation guide. Discover how easy it is to now talk to him without it escalating into another argument.  You’ll finally know how to talk to him and he will listen and respond lovingly.  




..BONUS Modular Five/ Week Five – LegacyBy now you are moving out of conflict into connection so this BONUS Modular is focused on keeping you moving in the right direction, building your future.  


Step #1: Learn

Watch the training videos or listen to the audio while on the go (on your own schedule).  There are no deadlines or pressure. The videos are all bite-size (2-10 minutes) in length.

You can watch one per day or bing and watch them all at once. Each video has a workbook to support your learning.


Step #2: Implement

Each video is acompanied with a step-by-step workbook makes it easy to  implement what you’re learning.  You can work online or download the workbook if you rather work manually.

If you get stuck you can submit a question to the weekly Q&A coaching calls if you choose the coaching option.


Step #3: Rinse & Repeat

You can move as quickly as you want or put it aside when you’re busy. We find that the wives with more pressing issues at home devour the training and come to the coaching calls so they can move out of conflict as quickly as possible. However each situation is different that is why you are the one in charged.

Step #4: Get Coaching (optional)

If you choose the Group Coaching option at checkout, we’ll talk every week for 4 weeks during our Q&A live Group Coaching calls.

Submit your questions for the weekly Q&A coaching call with me and I personally answer your questions giving you direction for your specific relationship situation. Attend the call live or watch the replay on your own schedule.

These calls  guarantee that you don’t get stuck and quickly resolve issues so you can move forward with your implementation plan.  Also available to all C2C clients is private coaching sessions at  a significant discount.


The 4-week Marriage Communication Solution.

Normally $96
For a limited time, Only $47

What members are saying…

Be a part of the experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is included in C2C ?

A: The Conflict to Connection Roadmap is a women’s only self-pace course. Here you will learn how to stop arguments before they start. Learn how to speak his language so that he will finally hear, understand and cherish you.

Inside you have access to an extensive content vault of:

💖 Training Videos
💖 Audios
💖 Workbooks
💖 Conflict 2 Connection Skills
💖 PLUS 4 Q&A Coaching Calls  inside the private members only Wise Woman Community (optional)

Q: How is the content and training delivered?

A: All the training videos, workshops & workbooks, and resources are in your vault!

When you purchase you will receive your log in and access.

Q: Is there a contract to sign?

A: No, there are no contracts or any length of time required. After you purchase the C2C Roadmap you have immediate access for life to the content. 

Q: How much time does it require to complete the course?

A: You are in charge of the pace — there is no schedule. There are no requirements. You can be as active as you want or need. The more you can engage the faster you will see results in your relationship or marriage.

Q: What if I choose th ecoaching option but can’t attend?

A: If you can not attend you can still submit your quesiton and I will answer it live. The replays are added to your Vault and are there whenever you are ready. They do not expire. You can listen/read/watch/practice whenever you want .


A: The C2C is a stand alone course that is also included in the Relationship Restoration Membership (RRM).  Many women decide to join the RRM because they want to accelerate the transformaiton with the support, additional training. and coaching offered in the RRM for only $37/mo.   

Plus the RRM offers: 
VIP Love Seat Coaching
Conversation Audits
VIP Support
Extensive Resources, and DFY templates
More in-depth Training and covering
expanded topics to take your marriage beyond ‘stoping arguments’.

As a RRM  member you have free access to all former paid programs and future paid programs. HERE IS LINK IF YOU WANT TO CHECK IT OUT: https://stacypeasall.com/joinrram

Q: Is Conflict to Connection Roadmap right for me if I’m not in a relationship or don’t want to be?

A: Yes! The Roadmap is for any woman who wants to learn how to communicate better in any relationship, now or in the future. I wish I had known these life changing principles before getting married.

Q: Is there a guarantee?

A: Since this is a digital course, the results are on your shoulders to implenet therefore we can not gurantee you will take the action needed for change.

©Stacy Peasall.com | all rights reserved

10017 Country Carriage Circle, Riverview, Fl. 33569




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